Friday, January 23, 2009

Economy Got You Thinking About Drinking?

Truth is, you’re not alone. Historically, when economies take a turn for the worse, sales of alcohol, cigarettes and guns increase. I know for a fact gun shops are packed (I waited on line in a few to be told items were out of stock or simply unavailable), I haven’t seen this many people smoking since the 80’s, and alcohol consumption reports are projected to show a ninth year of steady increase.

There is not a place in the developed world that you can hide from bad news on the economy. From downtown Manhattan to the bayous of Louisiana, people are talking about job losses, corporations collapsing and federal bailouts. The common saying nowadays around average people is “where’s my bailout?” The question may end up being awarded the catch phrase of 2009.

Americans most likely won’t see any sort of personal bailout; last I read, we may get tax cuts equaling around $500 per family for the year. All I can say is whoopity-doo; how’s a few dollars less taken out of each paycheck going to help me or the economy – if the company I work for crumbles and I don’t have a job?!

I personally am getting tired of hearing people talk about losing 40-50% of their 401Ks, or their investment portfolio tanking, or “my stock broker can’t guarantee returns anymore.” Like many of you, we were never able to have those things in the first place.

The people of Dirty Tractor have a saying which helps us feel a little better about the whole mess: “I’m surviving the economic meltdown… all I have to lose is debt anyway.

And that, my friends, is also the truth.

Photo: The newest shirt at the Dirty Tractor apparel shop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also have stood in line at a gun shop not too long ago. The economy has something to to with it - yes - but also remember who just got elected president and his whole administration's views on gun control. The NRA must be hitting record membership numbers since Obama was elected!