Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Book Contains a Collection of Addiction Stories

A new book called "Moments of Clarity" has just been released containing a collection of stories about the "harrowing life of addiction." It was featured recently on ABC News and has stories from both famous and everyday people who have tales to tell about their fight with drugs and alcohol.

The compilation was headed by Christopher Kennedy Lawford - a member of the Kennedy family. We try to keep politics aside on the Dirty Tractor Blog, so FYI - the Kennedy name has nothing to do with us mentioning the book.

What's important is the stories within and how they can help others with their addiction issues. The effort seems genuine.

An excerpt from the summary story on ABC News:

I thought, "This is bad. This is as bad as it can get." What I felt was just a little bit darker than what I'd felt the day before, but that little bit was enough to finally put me over the edge. I knew I could not exist anymore in that state. I had to either die or change, and I didn't have a gun to put in my mouth, so I had to change, and the only way I could change was to surrender. So I did. I said, to what ever was out there, "You know what? I give up. I absolutely, unequivocally give up. I'm not talking about, 'I give up so I can fight another day.' What ever you want me to do, I'll do it." And I realize now, that was it. That was the opening through which grace entered my life.

The book itself is featured on a Harper Collins Publishers page, and for a video clip from ABC News, click here.

It seems like it should be a good read.

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