Thursday, August 26, 2010

Healthy Liver Cells grown from Human Skin

In a modern-day scientific breakthrough involving liver disease, researchers have discovered a technique to grow brand new liver cells from human skin stem cells. The research has brought hope to those afflicted with irreversible liver disease one step closer to feasible treatment.

This was not embryonic stem cell research; the skin cells were taken directly from patients who suffered from liver disease, then manipulated to act as stem cells, ultimately becoming liver cells.

Imagine… cirrhosis patients donating skin samples to grow their own new liver cells…

It should be noted that in this case the experiments were performed on subjects who suffered from hereditary forms of liver disease. Still, not only is this an exciting advancement for liver disease treatment, it also is opens possibilities for new techniques to treat and possibly regenerate other types of organs.

Cambridge University in the UK published its results in the Journal of Clinical Investigation and a brief news story on the subject appeared here.

Photo credit: diseased liver cells: University of Cambridge

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