Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Time is More than a Unit of Measurement

I’ve continued to hold onto a youthful view of time throughout my life. Time was represented by the numbers on the classroom clock that the second hand would slowly tick past; then time was how many minutes I had left to get to work before the boss would start looking for me; time was how long it would take before a red light would turn green.

Last month though, my view of time matured significantly.

The deaths of a young mother I had come to love and her baby was so unexpected, it did not carry the luxury of knowing it was going to happen (see Dirty Tractor Racing Driver Tragically Passes Away). It left friends and family in a state of shock, and caused most of us to reevaluate our lives. We just didn't have a chance to spend more time with her.

And that’s when is occurred to me- time is a luxury, not just a unit of measurement.

Time is an asset we hold; but it is an asset that trumps the value of all our other material possessions combined. Without it, what good are those materials things anyway? It is our time with family, friends and loved ones that holds true value – good times to be passed on, bad times to learn from, and everything in between. Time to feel a cool breeze or enjoy the company of others is more precious than I had ever realized.

It is this true value of time I did not have the ability to comprehend before. I now see it is much more than the ticking of a clock. Now that my my eyes are opened, I am even starting to enjoy those simple moments stuck at a red light; almost glad to be there.

What are you doing with your time?

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