Wednesday, March 26, 2008

3 Types of Alcoholics

Contrary to popular opinion, there are not two, but three types of alcoholics. They are functioning, non-functioning, and transparent.

1.) The “functioning” are the ones who work next to us, we might live with them, or see them on a daily basis. These are the coworkers who every once in a while give a hint of their habit, but all in all it does not effect their ability to fit in with others. You might notice a bit of shaking in their hands, or extremely minty-fresh breath after a lunch meeting.

2.) The “non-functioning” we are all familiar with. These are the people who simply cannot fit into society because of their drinking. Commonly referred to as “winos,’ “drunks,” “bums,” and other nasty terms. These folks are the ones made fun of and ridiculed, but really don’t seem to care.

3.) The third group are the “transparent” alcoholics. Called transparent because drinking is such a part of who they are, the people around them hardly pay attention to it; like they can’t see it. These are the ones who drink beer like it’s water, and any side effects are just part of their personality. Obviously not “angry drunks,” or even drunks at all; they just like to drink and in many cases have been doing it as long as they can remember. They are separate from the functioning group because the functional alcoholics seem to stay away from “the sauce” when they know they have to (like at work). The transparent group on the other hand is just happy to drink all the time and really don’t see a problem with it, or care to hide it during any part of the day. They are beyond functional; drinking is part of who they are - 24/7.

All three groups have challenges when trying to shed light on their “problem.” Functioning say they are functioning just fine, non-functioning don’t care, and the transparent group thinks you’re nuts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is really the difference? An alcoholic is an alcoholic who is an alcoholic. Is the doctor who shows up in the office everyday, makes his rounds in the hospital, and then makes it home in time to read his kids a bedtime story (who is a functioning alcoholic) any better then the transparent or the nonfunctioning?they are the same,all using,instead of living.Using alcohol as the end goal for what they had to deal with during their day or even to make it through the day. "Its ok, I deserve it, I had a really bad day in the office, my boss is such a jerk, my husband, what an ass, can you believe what he did...." What ever it is, all it is, is just an excuse.They need to grow up and deal with life, be responsible, and STOP blaming everyone and everything else. Everyone has stress, from the lunch lady who has to deal with hundreds of hormone crazed teenagers who listen to too much "rock and roll rubage" to the air traffic controller who's wife just got pregnant for the 4th time, when he was visiting his parents in Germany for 2 months.